Now Playing: Fortnite Week 8 Challenges In Battle Royale
Fortnite's Guided Missile has proved to be a divisive item since its introduction, with some fans unhappy about how powerful the weapon is. Developer Epic Games has now removed the Guided Missile, dooming it to the Vault, for the time being at least.
"We've gotten a lot of feedback around the Guided Missile, in particular concerns over fairness and strength of the weapon," Epic said in a post on Reddit. "We share your concerns, so we've put the Guided Missile into the Vault while we figure out the next steps for its future."
This isn't the first time players have been unable to access the guided missile in Battle Royale: a recent update introduced an animation issue that meant Epic was forced to temporarily remove the weapon. That move has now been extended indefinitely, until Epic decides how to handle the missile going forward.
In the same post, Epic shared some details regarding Fortnite's upcoming 3.5.2 update. The developer says it is fixing a recently-introduced bug that caused players to sometimes shoot their own structures when attempting to peek. In addition, recent changes to weapon equip times--which attempted to balance a technique where people would rapidly change between multiple low rate-of-fire guns--are being tweaked. The equip time changes will be rolled back for Snipers and Crossbows in v3.5.2, since these items don't benefit as much from quick switching. Epic is, for the time being at least, keeping the longer equip times for Shotguns, the Revolver, the Hand Cannon, and the Rocket Launcher, but it says it will continue to improve on the animations in a future update.
In other Fortnite news, the game's Week 8 Challenges are live now. They include one that tasks you with dancing on multiple Dance Floors, and another that will have you searching between Three Boats. The challenges are available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and mobile, provided you own the Season 3 Battle Pass. Completing challenges allows you to level up the Battle Pass more quickly, earning you Season 3 skins and rewards.
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