EA rounded out its E3 2018 press conference with an extended look at the new multiplayer shooter Anthem. Details had been relatively vague up until this point but now we have a far better picture of what we can expect from BioWare's next big game, including its release date and what gameplay looks like.
Evolving World
Anthem will cast players in the role of a Freelancer, a special individual capable of piloting Javelin suits. The game will feature a dynamic world built around a core narrative where the world has been "abandoned by the gods." Freelancers have become the guardians of the rest of the population and will take on contracts to combat threats. When players return to the main hub (which sounds like a single-player instanced area), they will be able to see the effects of the choices they have made throughout the game world and progress the narrative. BioWare also revealed that multiple post-launch updates will deliver more story elements, for instance, providing deeper explorations into Anthem's characters.
Anthem - Official Cinematic Trailer | E3 2018
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Javelin Exosuits Function Like Classes
There are four Javelin types that players can swap between: Ranger, Colossus, Interceptor, and Storm. Each performs differently; for example, the Ranger appears to be a more generalised suit designed for close-combat, while the Colossus is a heavy armour suit that features larger high-destruction weaponry. Although these sound like classes, you aren't permanently tied to any one; you can switch between them when not on a mission. The suits will be customisable with different paint jobs and geometry options, and there will also be cosmetic and vanity items available to purchase.
No Loot Boxes
BioWare general manager Casey Hudson confirmed that loot boxes will not feature in Anthem. You will be able to purchase cosmetic items, but Hudson stressed that you will always know exactly what you're buying before you purchase it.
Anthem Won't Have Loot Boxes, But You Can Buy Cosmetics
There Will Be A Special Edition & Pre-order Bonuses
The Legion of Dawn Edition will include Legendary Armor Packs from all four of the game's Javelin power suit types, as well as a Legendary weapon and a Legendary gear attachment for the Ranger Javelin. On top of that, you'll also be able to access digital bonus content including the soundtrack. Pre-ordering this special edition will grant you VIP access to all the pre-launch demos for Anthem.
Anthem E3 2018 Gameplay Stage Presentation | E3 2018
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When It's Releasing
Anthem is set to arrive on PC, PS4, and Xbox One on February 22, 2019, but that won't be the first time players can get stuck into the game. Early access will be available through EA/Origin Access.
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