
Creative mode coming very soon to Fortnite - FortniteINTEL

YouTuber Lachlan has showcased a new Creative mode coming to Fortnite. This mode gives player near limitless possibilities to create mini games, training courses, maps, and so on.

Alongside many other creators, Lachlan was invited to Epic Games’ HQ to record footage of upcoming Fortnite content.

At the time of writing it is currently unknown why this footage was leaked ahead of its intended release as other creators have yet to release their footage. Epic Games has yet to officially announce the mode as well.

Lachlan claims that Creative Mode is set to release Tomorrow. However, it appears this footage has went live early so it is not yet known when exactly tomorrow is.


Upon selecting Play, players are greeted with a Select A Server menu. Here the player can join a friend’s server or create their own server. Servers can hold up to 16 players.

Privacy options such as Invite Only, Friends, Friends of Friends, and so on are included for servers.


Once spawned into a Creative server, players are placed in a hub-like area which contains rifts for Featured and Personal worlds. Featured worlds seem to be selected by Epic Games and will be to showcase unique modes, maps, and more.

Activating a Rift will greet the player with the ability to choose from 1 of 4 islands within their world. Saves are intended to be somewhat of a Save option so players can make progress then come back to an island at another time.

A Rift can be found toward the edge of the Island which allows the player to transport back to the Creative Hub.

Creative Mode

Islands come in varying shapes, sizes, and terrains. It is not yet known if these are customizable, nor is it known if they are preset or randomly generated.

The ability to no-clip (fly) is present once in-game. This allows players to quickly and easily navigate around the island without the need for resources.

Players are given a phone which allows them to edit the world and objects within the world. It seems the phone is nearly limits in terms of what it can interact with, even the concrete driveway can be edited to a player’s liking.

The phone has the ability to move, copy, and erase whatever it is selecting.

While Creative mode is practically limitless, there is a Memory limit which prevents the player from filling an Island to the point in which the game would crash. Different objects will use different amounts of memory.

The player is not expected to easily hit this limit, it is just in place as a safeguard to ensure a good player experience.

Island Settings can be found in the pause menu. Options include…

  • Game
    • Free For All
    • Deathmatch
    • Free Play
  • Teams
    • Free For All
    • Cooperative
  • Time Limit
    • None
    • 5 minutes
    • 10 minutes
    • 15 minutes
    • 20 minutes
  • Spawn Location
    • Spawn Pads
    • Team Spawn Pads
    • Sky
  • Starting Health
    • Full Health
  • Starting Shields
    • Empty Shields
  • Infinite Ammo
  • Infinite Resources
  • Pick Axe Building Damage
    • Default
    • Instant
  • Drop Items When Eliminated
  • Fall Damage
  • Gravity
  • Player Names & Location
  • Respawn Height
  • Down But Not Out
  • Island Edit Permission
    • Only Me
    • Everyone

Once your Island Settings are set you can then select Start Mini-Game. This will reset the players within the Island using the specified Settings.

Once the game has started players no longer have access to Creative options and are able to play the game legitimately.

Destruction caused once a game has started is not carried over to the Creative mode. This allows players to create their Islands and mini-games and reuse them without the need to set things up each time.

A Reset Island to Original State button can also be found in the Island Tools tab.

Depending on the Game Mode selected – once a mini-game has began, players can view the Game Stats scoreboard to see the current standings of all players.

For example, in Deathmatch, stats include Team, Eliminations, Deaths, and Assists.


Opening the Inventory reveals multiple tabs where the player can select the building blocks they would like to use. Tabs include Prefabs, Devices, Weapons, Consumables, and Chests.

Prefabs contains pre-built structures from both in-game and Epic Games. Think of these as templates showing what is possible, or starting points for your larger builds. There are prefabs for obstacle courses, buildings, and props.

Equipping an item adds it to the player’s inventory. From there the player can select the item in the hot-bar, this will either grant the player a throwable which will spawn the item into the world upon impact, or the ability to directly place the item.


Props which are spawned via throwable are not bound to the normal grid which building typically is. Props can be selected using the Phone and then placed or interacted with at any location.

While a prop is selected the player is granted the following abilities to use on the prop:

  • Copy
  • Push
  • Pull
  • Rotate Clockwise
  • Rotate Counterclockwise
  • Rotate Axis (Yaw)
  • Rotation Reset
  • Drops
  • Grid Snap

Grid Snapping includes a 16×16, 8×8, 4×4, and 2×2 grid to ensure the prop is placed exactly where it is wanted.

Obstacle Courses can be found in the prefabs tab of the Inventory. A multitude of different courses can be found for those who are not interested in building their own.

Individual pieces can also be selected from Obstacle Course prefabs using the Phone to allow for custom courses using the new items and building parts.


Multiple new Traps are available in Creative mode which are not present in Battle Royale.

The Respawn Pad allows players to set the point at which they will respawn after dying. Respawn Pads can be tweaked to only respawn a specific team.

Vehicle Spawn Pads allow the player to spawn Shopping Carts, Quadcrashers, Golf Carts, and so on. Upon destruction the vehicle is respawned at the pad.

Damage Traps are yet another new Trap which will knockback the player and deal 5 damage if the player collides with it.

Ice Blocks are similar to the existing Chiller Traps, however the effects do not last as long and they modify the terrain with an icy texture.

Speed Boosts are rather self-explanatory, when the player walks on to a Speed Boost it will send them in the direction it is facing. Speed Boosts can be configured with a low, medium, or high effect.

Scoreboards can be used to keep track of score in mini-games. Bouncing on either the left-most or right-most bounce pad will increment the score displayed on respective side by 1. Jumping on the middle bound pad will reset the score.

The Timer allows players to set a countdown for a specified amount of time. Once time is up a sound is played and the Timer displays 0:00. Time amounts stretch from 1 minute to 20 minutes. Time begins when the player jumps on the bound pad.


The Weapons tab in the Inventory allows the player to equip any rarity of any weapon in the game. Vaulted weapons are not included at this time.

Ammo, grenades, healing, and utility items can be found in the Consumables tab of the Inventory. As is the case with the Weapons tab, vaulted items are not included.


Players are given the ability to create Chests with any loot of their choosing which can be placed in any position. It is not known at this time what the limit is for the amount of items in a Chest is.

Items are added to the Chest via the previous Inventory tabs. The player then has the option to choose whether they want to create a Chest or a Llama.

Chests and Llamas are susceptible to the same tweaks that other objects are by using the phone.

It is not yet known when Creative Mode will be releasing. Lachlan mentioned “tomorrow” multiple times, but this footage was not meant to go live yet. It’s likely we’ll see a release in patch v7.0 and an announcement at The Game Awards.

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